Today our school celebrated the end of the term by holding a Sport Day. It is a traditional annual event for all Thai schools and colleges. We'd been preparing for a whole month marching and chanting every morning.
It was so nice to see all my students and their parents before leaving. When I look at them together I love finding resemblamces between their faces. And because I know the kids first, it usually goes like "oh, you look like your son! " or "Wow, you've got your girl's smile!" Maybe I'll live to see a child whose eyes I have...
So there was this one competition where parents had to run with the kids on their backs. Dads are usually good at it. One dad carried his twin boys and won!! I so wanted Luca to experience that, too.. But we don't have a dad. And Kathleen, the mom, is too small to carry the big boy. Since my back hadn't been hurting for a while I decided to ignore the old spine injury. I wanted my Luca to know that he and I, we're a team. Not because I'm his teacher from the same color team. But because I'm his sister and I can carry him.
the moment before the epic fail! |
Actually I was determined to win. Or so was the plan at the start. So we ran. Running with my little buddy in the back was a bit more difficult than fooling around at home. So after the first few moves, in slow motion I saw the floor coming closer as I was thinking: "Man, we're gonna fall!!" The next thing I know: I hit the floor and see my kid rolling off my back... Someone ran to help us asking if we're fine. Laughing, I got up, grabbed Luca and holding him close, finished the race. At the end I hugged him checking to see if he's all right.
Sensing the growing embarrassment I decided to press the "whatever" button in my head. Surely I'd be the only person worrying about that. I told Luca I was sorry. And that I wanted to show him that he can trust me, so we'd run at home the next day. But he hugged me and said: "No, P' Galina! I'm afraid. I will fall"...
When the games were over I had just enough energy to get home and crash in to my bed. I woke up in the evening to a hurting spine and a sorrowful heart. Realising it was the last day with my little students was sad as it is. But also I kept on thinking "I failed Luca.. I failed Luca..."
Then I thought that with all the cameras on, we made it to an epic fail pics collection. And as some of the images of that meme I'd seen on the web stood up in my exhausted brain, I started laughing... Maybe I'm losing it. I don't know. So I'm off to get a massage now. Hopefully it'll fix my spine which got screwed after the epic fail. As my friend Lisa loves to quote : "It's all fun and games until someone gets poked in the eye". Yeap.
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