воскресенье, 23 октября 2011 г.

A Long Distance Relationship

I had said many times before that I wouldn’t choose a long distance relationship. Some earlier posts in this blog might shade some light onto the reasons why not, but I won’t go into the details now.  When Tim and I realized that our friendship held more in it than being “just friends” it was shortly before he had to leave for Canada. We did have an amazing week of transition from “just friends”, good as we were, to “very special friends” before his departure date. And of we went…. Kilometers of emails, hours of skyping.  Happy  relationship growing from the opposite sides of the ocean. The challenge of growing a love relationship in a distance turned out to be a blessing in disguise. 
Last month Tim’s Grandma got very bad and was admitted to a hospice. This beautiful lady is dearly loved and cared for by everyone in the family. It is a hard time for the family as they see their beloved Grandma fade away.  
For us it meant the day of our reunion with Tim is moved till... only God knows when. That is when the distance started being harder to bear.  Distance had separated me from people I loved since I was little, breaking my heart every time.  And the heartache of the separation now, though different from what it was like before, reminded me of the old wounds. But…. as ever, the Lord was near to those who have a broken heart.  

The envelopes from Canada with the cute cards and beautiful letters which Tim has been sending to me every month deliver the message of love, missing and the warmth between us. They do make me feel hugged.

If only I could touch God!..  If only I could see His face!.. If only I could hold His hand, I would never feel alone.  I’ve realized that in this sense my love with the Lord too is a long distance relationship.  Hmmm hmmm… Could it be that the longing to reunite with this Canadian man of mine will help me  (us!) to grow closer to the God I’ve tried to love and missed all my life?  Could it be that out of  the pages of the Bible too, there are His loving hands reaching out to me?...

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